Gravity: Analog SHT30 Temperature & Humidity Sensor adopts the new generation SHT30 temperature and humidity sensor from Sensirion. Thanks to Sensirion's CMOSens® technology, highly integrated capacitive humidity sensing components and bandgap temperature sensing components, the SHT30 offers high reliability and long-term stability with low power consumption, fast response and immunity to interference. The sensor is internally calibrated, linearized and amplified to output analog voltages that are linear with temperature or humidity. It is compatible with 3.3V/5V controllers such as Arduino, micro:bit, ESP32. It is easy to achieve precise and high reliability temperature and humidity sensing for urban environment monitoring, intelligent buildings, industrial automation, smart home and other Internet of Things applications.
- Internal auto calibration, linear analog voltage output
- High precision, low power consumption, fast response
- Compatible with 3.3V/5V controller
- Urban Environmental Monitoring
- Intelligent Building, Home
- Industrial Automation
IC (Sensor): Sensirion SHT30
Input Voltage (VCC) : 3.3V - 5.5V
Interface: Gravity Analog (PH2.0-3P,analog voltage output 0.3-2.7V)
Quiescent Current: <0.5 mA
Dimension: 30×32 mm / 1.18×1.26 in
Weight: 4g
Temperature Performance
- Range: -40 - 125 ℃
- Resolution: 0.01 ℃, 14bit
- Accuracy: ±0.2℃@10 - 55℃ (typical), ±1.5℃@-40 - 125 ℃ (typical)
- Response Time: >2s
Humidity Performance
- Range: 0 - 100 %RH
- Resolution: 0.006 %, 14bit
- Accuracy: ±3 %RH@10 - 90 %RH (typical),±8 %RH@0 - 100 %RH (typical)
- Response Time: >8s
Board Overview

No. | Label | Description |
1 | - | Power GND |
2 | + | Power VCC(3.3~5.5V) |
3 | RH | Relative humidity analog output (0.3-2.7V) |
4 | T | Temperature analog output (0.3-2.7V) |
5 | / | 2.54mm-4P via pinout |
Output Characteristic
- When the module is powered within rated input voltage and works normally, it outputs a voltage of 0.3~2.7V which is linear with temperature or humidity. The corresponding relationship is shown below.
Arduino Tutorial
This tutorial presents a basic usage of the module with Arduino UNO.
- Hardware
- DFRduino UNO R3 (or similar) x 1
- Gravity: Analog SHT30 Temperature & Humidity Sensor x 1
- Gravity 3P sensor wire (or Dupont wires) x 1
- Software
Connection Diagram
Example Codes
@file SHT30_TempRH_Read.ino
@author Henry (DFRobot)
@version V1.0
@date 2019-08-12
@copyright Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (
@licence The MIT License (MIT)
@breif This example read and print the temperature and relative humidity.
This demo and related libraries are for DFRobot Gravity: Analog SHT30 Temperature & Humidity Sensor
Check out the links below for tutorials and connection diagrams
// VREF: Analog reference
// For Arduino UNO, Leonardo and mega2560, etc. change VREF to 5
// For Arduino Zero, Due, MKR Family, ESP32, etc. 3V3 controllers, change VREF to 3.3
#define VREF 5.0
#define ADC_RESOLUTION 1024
float Tc, Tf, RH, analogVolt;
void setup() {
Serial.println("SHT30 Starts up.");
void loop() {
analogVolt = (float)analogRead(TEMPERATURE_PIN) / ADC_RESOLUTION * VREF;
// Convert voltage to temperature (℃, centigrade)
Tc = -66.875 + 72.917 * analogVolt;
// Convert voltage to temperature (°F, fahrenheit )
Tf = -88.375 + 131.25 * analogVolt;
Serial.print("Termperature:" );
Serial.print(Tc, 1);
Serial.print(" C / " );
Serial.print(Tf, 1);
Serial.println(" F" );
analogVolt = (float)analogRead(HUMIDITY_PIN) / ADC_RESOLUTION * VREF;
// Convert voltage to relative humidity (%)
RH = -12.5 + 41.667 * analogVolt;
Serial.print("Humidity:" );
Serial.print(RH, 1);
Serial.println(" %RH" );
- Temperature or relative humidity is printed every 2s.

micro:bit Tutorial
This tutorial presents a basic usage of the module with micro:bit.
- Hardware
- micro:bit - an Educational & Creative Tool for Kids x 1
- Micro:Mate - A Mini Expansion Board for micro:bit x 1
- Gravity: Analog SHT30 Temperature & Humidity Sensor
- Gravity 3P sensor wire (or Dupont wires) x 1
- Software
Connection Diagram
Example Codes
- Temperature and relative humidity are printed from serial every 2s.
For any questions, advice or cool ideas to share, please visit the DFRobot Forum.